Monday, August 18, 2008

Terry's Tips Portfolio Expiration Report

All Six Portfolios Make Great Gains! The first expiration month using our modified 10K Strategy was a resounding success. In spite of devoting up to half of the entire portfolio value to an exotic butterfly spread that only provided insurance against a big market drop, substantial gains resulted in every portfolio.

The portfolios gained an average of 4.5% after commissions for the expiration month. That works out to be 54% annualized, far more than we expected. We had hoped for a 4% gain in those months where no adjustments were necessary. This month our gains exceeded this goal, and adjustments were made in every portfolio because it was a volatile month, with several market swings in both directions.

The Oil Services portfolio was the best example of the value of butterfly spreads. The underlying OIH fell by 11.3% for the month. In the past, this kind of volatility almost always resulted in large losses. This month, after the addition of a large number of butterfly spreads on the downside, the portfolio managed to gain of 6.4% in spite of the strong slide in the stock price.

Maybe we have indeed created an options strategy that never loses money. That is the ultimate goal of our modified strategy, and the first month's record was most encouraging.

The portfolios that had the greatest gains were the two that had been established before July - Mini-Russell (up 12% for the month) and Oil Services (up 6.4%). The four portfolios that were started in July had to cover the bid-asked spread penalty of a new portfolio, and the final results understate how well they did. Three of these portfolios were in existence for only 23 days, hardly enough to qualify for a month's results.

The lowest-gaining portfolio for the month, Mighty Stalagmite (up 2.6%) would cost about $10,560 to replicate now. This means that a fairer estimate of the gain was probably closer to 5%, and this was our worst-performer (largely because we made several adjustments that were later reversed).

Annualized Portfolio Gains for the August Expiration Month:

Mini-Russell (IWM) - up 144%

Oil Services (OIH) - up 77%

Durable Diamond* (DIA) - up 92%

Building BRIC* (EEM) - up 62%

Rising Russell* (IWM) - up 37%

Mighty Stalagmite (SPY) - up 31%

*Based on three week's results averaged over a year

You can see every position and every trade we made in each of these portfolios by becoming a Terry's Tips Insider - sign up HERE.

Next week we will discuss the economics of using what we call an exotic butterfly spread for downside protection.


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