Monday, November 24, 2008

Stock Options trading

Our "Most Conservative" Options Portfolio

The November expiration month was a dreadful one for markets. They fell about 15%. Okay, the DOW only fell 8% (and this resulted in our option portfolio using DIA as the underlying to gain 40% in one month). The S&P 500 (SPY) fell 15% and the Russell 2000 (IWM) fell a whopping 23%. The huge drop in IWM caused both of our IWM portfolios to suffer big losses last month - there is a limit to how far the market can fall without hurting our portfolio values, and it looks like a monthly drop over 15% is where that limit stands. Fortunately, that number has been exceeded only once in over 20 years for SPY, and that was in October.

We have three SPY portfolios, and while the market fell 15%, these three portfolios gained an average of 18% last month. One of these portfolios is set up to do best when markets fall (we call it the Big Bear Mesa) and it understandably did the best, gaining 40% in a single month.

Today I would like to talk about our most conservative portfolio, the Big Dripper. We set this portfolio up on October 23, 2008 with $10,000. Our plan is to withdraw $150 in cash every month from this portfolio forever. That works out to 18% per year, after commissions. The annual goal is 20% - 25%, or less than our other portfolios which are aiming for 36% a year.

In its first month of operation, the market was not kind to the Big Dripper. SPY fell by 15%. Yet the portfolio gained 16.7% in value. In addition to the $150 monthly withdrawal, we took out another $1500 as a "windfall gain" withdrawal. If the market had not fallen so far last month, the Big Dripper would have made much more.

How did we do it? Simple. We established calendar spreads across a wide range of strike prices, going out at least 15% below the stock price and 15% above the stock price. Very few spreads were placed at near-the-money strikes. This is the risk profile graph which shows what these positions will produce in 4 weeks at the various possible stock prices (SPY closed at $79.52 on Friday).

As you can see, the Big Dripper will make a 35% gain if the stock falls by as much as 15% in 4 weeks, a 30% gain if the stock goes up by as much as 15%, or about 45% if the stock ends up about where it is today.

I must add that the above graph assumes that the current option values (IVs) of the long options will continue as they are right now. If VIX falls considerably, the gains projected by the software would be less than the above numbers. For the past two months, we have not seen any diminution of VIX, however.

Give yourself an early Christmas present, and learn exactly how to create the above portfolio in your own account by becoming a Terry's Tips Insider. You could establish these positions in your own account before Thanksgiving, and have something really exciting to look forward to each month from there on.

You can sign up today here. It could be the best Christmas present you ever gave yourself.


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